Updated 2023-03-21T04-21Z |
Up to 10 Mbytes (equals 20 Kblocks) of plain simple data can be copied and returned immediately. Directory hardcopies of all involved volumes are part of this service. The least order size is 120 € (corresponding to 2 Mbytes).
Test this offer by sending a small sample for a free trial to
Michael M. Iloff |
File transfer between
convenient, reliable and fast through the
"brxDOS" file converter running on the
With 5¼" or 3½" diskettes, it can list directory, show disk type,
read/write attributes/files/volumes, rename, delete, initialize and
format for
The program is comfortable. First of all, it is self-explanatory and files may be named the wildcard manner. It has convenient defaults.
In addition, it is particularly safe: Incompatibilities between
Through this product, network installations and time wasting protocol
transmissions become unnecessary for the quick file transfer between
You could download the full reference documentation including a
runnable demo from CompuServe "GO PDP11" Library O - as files
BRXDOC.TXT and BRXDEM.SAV or even more - all under the keyword
"BRXDOS", before CompuServe abolished this forum by mid of April '98.
This package did not yet know the VFAT file system
(long file names of Windows®95),
as the available product does. Also, the distributed product has
been upgraded to be Y2k
compliant, while the demo package did not yet.
So far, the documentation is available here as PDF file.
A short-form description in PDF is available for download (in German).
Archive link to
discontinued related stuff ===========>> (in German): |