MOSES' Personal Homepage ... Updated 2017-10-11-20-39
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MOSES' business card as imprint (37 Kbytes JPEG)

  • Hello ... My name is Michael Iloff.
I'll be glad to read eMail from you. I lived in Stuttgart, Germany.
  • First of all, I'm a human being and enjoy exotic environments: among exciting people, in distant countries, under water and in the air.
MENSA logo Meet exciting people yourself - at MENSA!
  • Sylvie is fortunately my wife. She is a friend of stirring outings too.
The Big Texan Steak Ranch
& Opry in Amarillo, Texas
(162 Kbytes JPEG) Look at us - having an exciting rest in Texas!
  • Eventually, I am an engineer and provide innovation support in electronics. So far, the descriptive online-material is implemented mainly in German:
 MOSES logo, 
 4 Kbytes GIF Klicken Sie bitte hier für die Selbstdarstellung von MOSES.
  • For a couple of years, professionally, I'd been involved in the innovation of contactless smart card systems, mainly C2®­CARDs.
C2 logo E. g., ADE has invented the inherently secure Stereo principle for the close-coupled contactless chipcards. See an application example of the C2®­CARD in the typical outdoor environment of a car-sharing system.
  • What's more, I know how to make RT­11® V5.5 cope with the 21st century.
1 Jan 2000 Click here for the implications of the century rollover on RT­11® V5.5 .
  • In case you want to save your RT­11® data to MS®­DOS media,
brxDOS icon (2 Kbytes GIF) click here for service or the tool itself.
  • Misstrauen Sie Ihrer ISDN-Rechnung oder vermuten Sie ein Problem in Ihrer TK-Anlage,
eyeSDN banner (7 Kbytes GIF) dann schaffen Sie am besten ein eyeSDN an.
DM-TEST Icon (1 Kbytes GIF) Referenz der Veteranen aus der Schweitzer-Zeit
  • Ein 25 Jahre altes Werk ist zwar seit 25 Jahren vergriffen, wird aber immer wieder verlangt:
    Die Sprüche des vorliegenden W.
Buch-Titel Welt-Uraufführung: Erstmalig (2000-11-16) steht das Werk komplett im Netz - kostenlos!
Bitte hier klicken für die Seite mit dem Download.

  • Sehen Sie auch meine Komplemente ...
Compi-Icon ... den Computer-Guru Bernie, der alles vernetzt.

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[Impressum] [Person] [Kontakt] [Mensa] [Sylvie] [Ingenieur] [Smart Cards] [Y2k & RT-11®] [brxDOS] [eyeSDN] [DM-TEST] [Gedichte] [Komplemente] [Anreise] [Ahnen]